Mongol Empire Research Paper

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Heath Robertson
Channel 3
14 February 2016

Pitching the Past
Mongol Invasion(1206-1368 C.E.)
Part I: Tagline—


1162…Birth of the universal ruler…

1206…Genghis Khan becomes leader of the Mongol army

1234…Complete dominion of China and most of Asia

1368…The fall of the greatest empire…in the history of mankind…

Follow the life story of Genghis Khan, as we explore the Mongol Empire in an all new depth and perspective. Watch history come alive as we witness the origins of Genghis and Kublai Khan, the conquest of China and all most all of Asia, and the devastating strategic Mongol tactics in action. This…Is…The…HISTORY OF THE MONGOL EMPIRE!

Part II: Director’s Notes— …show more content…

Just north-west of China, though, was Mongolia. Mongols lived in small clans, and although Mongols are assumed to be stereotypical barbarians, that eat meat off the bone with their hands, speak with “Ug dug flag brug”, they were actually quite civilised and very intelligent. A Khan governed the tribe, and although were not born to rule, they held the position of power inside the tribe. Children in Mongol tribes were taught how to ride horses and fire bows at the age of 3. In 1162, Temujin was born, and was later to be known as Genghis Khan, meaning “The Universal Ruler”. In 1206(The year of the Leopard), Genghis Khan becomes ruler of the Mongols and begins his subjugation of Asia. …show more content…

Mainly being made of leather and iron scales, laced together with a fabric backing, usually silk, as when an arrow hit silk it ended up stuck in the flesh wrapped in the silk, allowing the arrow to be removed by gently tearing the silk open. The armour was very light so when the Mongol archers were riding, it didn't hinder their manoeuvrability. Chainmail armour was rarely used as it was difficult to repair and heavy. Helmets were made of mostly iron, but leather and some other materials were also included. Some archers on horseback removed their arm protection to make drawing back their bow

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