People Attitudes Towards Money

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It is no doubt that money is something that is needed in everyone’s lives. Our clothes, food, health insurance, education, and so many more require money. Many individuals understand the significance and benefits of money. When you have good income and financial resources, you will be given freedom and choices in this life. There are some people who love to gain dsemore money and there are also some people who loathe spending money even on necessary things. These are called money attitudes, in other words, people’s personalities towards money. There are studies and researches on people’s attitudes towards money because it influences them financially and it can determine whether they can achieve financial success or not. There are three basic …show more content…

According to the book “Journal of Financial Therapy,” this is called money worship and it is one of the detrimental money personalities. Money worship means believing that an increase in income or financial can overcome problems. According to the book as well, this attitude is common among the people in America. People who have this attitude are most likely to engage themselves with debts. This is because they feel free to do whatever they want and they are not afraid to have problems because they are under the impression that money can eliminate their problems automatically. For instance, a person just got a raise in his salary and because of that, he engages himself with more debts than he already had because he knows that he has more money to pay for the debts. Bradley Klontz, the author of “Journal of Financial Therapy,” suspects that money worship attitude could be a reaction by Baby Boomers, which are the people who were born in between year 1946 to 1964, to their parents’ extreme frugality, which was developed during the Great Depression. Klontz said, “When parents take an extreme view of money, children will either emulate that attitude or do the exact opposite, which can be equally dysfunctional.” Thus, worshipping money is one of the basic attitudes that people have towards …show more content…

Money vigilance means that a person is being secretive about his or her finances and does not spend much. They do not allow themselves to enjoy having money. Extreme cases of money vigilance can lead to underspending and hoarding. The people who acquire money vigilance personality are commonly known as misers. The famous character that portrays as a miser is Ebenezer Scrooge in “A Christmas Carol.” Misers are the people who hoard wealth and spend as little money as possible. Most misers have a fear of losing their money as to them money acts as a security. Despite how much they have hoarded, they always have this fear that something catastrophic is going to happen to them and will make them penurious. They also have a fear towards future and often try to save for a rainy day. According to the article from the 1732 issue of the London Magazine that described the “Character of a Miser,” the author stated, “A Miser’s Chest is like a Whirlpool that draws in everything within its Vortex, but returns nothing back.” Therefore, money vigilance is another attitude some people have towards money, but it is considered as a negative

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