Money And Happiness Essay: Money Can Buy Happiness

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Money is one of the most important things in our lives, alongside to food to eat, a house to live in, and places to travel from here to there, but for all of those things, you need money. So that’s when “money can buy happiness” expression comes in because many people think that since money can buy everything they want in life, then it can easily buy happiness. The research on wealth and happiness is filled with contradictions. My parents lived a decent life style, they had the amount of an average person in Amman Jordan. Meaning that we weren 't filthy rich but we also weren 't poor either. The amount of money we had was enough to make us happy because we didn’t struggle with anything like food or other necessities we needed, my parents always
In the movie “The Pursuit of Happiness,” based on a true story. Chris Gardner lived a miserable life with no knowledge of how success feels like. He went through a lot to try to provide for his family. Chris had something in him that kept him motivated. He believed that if he wanted something bad enough, he will work hard for it and there is nothing that would stop him. No matter what problems he went through nothing made him give up. He told his son “that nobody could tell you that you can’t be something. Because they couldn’t. Chris seemed to look at things positively, he tries to make the best of what situation he is in. He never looked down at himself for who he is like others did. That Pursuit, the positive thoughts, the hope that Chris had kept him motivated to reach his goal. The way Chris stay motivated despite all of the negativity that was happening around him is by being happy. Being happy pursuing your goal will make you reach success. Chris had his hope of being happy and stayed positive throughout all his emotional and physical stress. it shows that Being happy leads to success it’s not success making you happy. Everyone thinks that if they are successful they are automatically but its not the money that makes them miserable its how they live their life. For ages, Robert Frank, an American photographer and documentary filmmaker says that" studies show that more money didn’t bring more happiness and that happiness plateaued at a certain income or wealth level once certain needs were met." according to the National Endowment for Financial Education, About 70 percent of people who suddenly receive a windfall of cash will lose it within a few years. The reason why is because many of them will end up unhappy or end up broke. most of them will spend it all and end up in dept. People have had terrible things happened to them,” said Don McNay, a financial consultant to lottery winners and the author of Life Lessons from the Lottery. “People commit suicide. People run their money. Easy comes, easy goes. They go through divorce or people even die." this shows how money can change your life to the

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