Model And Similation: Difference Between Models And Simulation

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MODELLING AND SIMULATION LAB 1 WHAT IS MODELLING AND SIMULATION MODELLING - modelling is defined as a process of representing a model which includes its construction and working, it is an act of building a model. A model can be described as a program that represents a real life system in a virtual environment and helps in the analysis and predictions of changes of the system. It does so by using mathematical formulas and calculations to predict the properties of a system. SIMULATION- In modelling and simulation, simulation is the operation of a computer model which predicts how a system will behave in a set of conditions. It is used in the analysis of the performance of a system. The main difference between modelling and simulation is that …show more content…

Individual units had to be connected together in order to make a system that can deal with differential equations under study. Both analog and digital computers started to appear in a number of organizations in the late 1940s and the early1950s. the technical staffs at the time had a responsibility of learning how to use the computers and to use them to solve the day to day problems. Other engineers then informally decided to come together to share ideas and experiences. At that time computer simulation was not that useful as it took a long time to give results, it needed skilled people to operate, it costed both time and personnel. The other thing was that the results obtained were often unclear, a good example is the case of telephone systems where there was an attempt to …show more content…

In the 1960 the data and the program were fed to the computer in a batch via punched cards. Punched cards were first used in manufacturing in job or order packets for material requisition, labor reporting and job tracking. The IBM 1620 was mostly relied on at that time. IBM presented the ‘Gordon simulator’ to Norden in 1961. Geoffrey Gorden presented in the same year his paper on a General Purpose Systems Simulator (GPSS) at the fall joint conference, it was used in the designing the system for distributing weather information to general aviation for FAA.IBM provided both the software and the hardware. The results were obtained in six weeks; this was a new tool for designers. Simulation groups were formed in organizations as Air Force Logistics Command, UNIVAC, etc. The design engineers favored to convey their problems to programmers or a simulation group. The GPSS simulation groups interacted through the IBM user’s group conference called SHARE. In 1962 SIMSCRIPT was produced at Rand Corporation by Harry Markowitz, Bernard Hausner and Herberrt Karr to simulate their inventory problems. J. Buxton and

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