Mobile Computer/Device Policy Paper

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Rusty Nailz Architecture and Planning Mobile Computing Policy This Mobile Computer/Device Policy incorporates principles or designs from templates provided by (2014) and (2014).
1. Overview This RNAP Mobile Computer/Device Policy defines the use of mobile computers and smart devices in the company. It defines:
1. The process that mobile computers and memory storage devices must meet to leave the RNAP network. Sensitive data should be encrypted, and password protected. Mobile device such as computers will be at least password protected.
2. How mobile computers and devices will be protected while outside the RNAP network.
3. The process that mobile computers and memory storage devices must meet to enter the RNAP network when brought into RNAP facilities.
2. Purpose The purpose of this policy is to establish an authorized method for controlling mobile computing and storage devices that contain or access information resources at RNAP.
3. Scope This Mobile Computer/Device Policy covers any computing device or data storage device brought into RNAP or connected to the RNAP network using any connection method. This Mobile Computer/Device Policy covers all mobile computers/devices used to store company data. This includes but is not limited to desktop/laptop/tablet computers, …show more content…

The user of the mobile computer/portable storage device will accept responsibility for taking reasonable safety precautions with the mobile device and must sign an agreement to adhere to this policy. The computer user will not be allowed to have administrative rights to the computer unless granted special exception by the company owners or IT vendor. The user of the device agrees not to use RNAP owned mobile computer or device for personal business and agrees to abide by the Mobile Computer/Mobile Device

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