Miyazaki's Princess Mononoke

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Films that involve a human versus nature aspect are becoming more prominent in modern day society. With humans always causing problems like global warming, deforestation, and pollution, I can only imagine the day that everything suddenly goes for the bad. In the film, Princess Mononoke, it directly gives insight on humans abusing the need of the forest for material goods and the damage that resulted in that has a major impact on the animals and on nature itself. Humans are a part of nature; we rely heavily on it. Humans might think that we don’t really need nature to exist, but in reality, it actually helps us and we coexist together. Nature provides us with things that are beneficial to our existence and humans in return also do things that …show more content…

The girls that are often referred to as “shojo,” are ones that are overly passive and seems to always be in a dreamy state and sometimes comes across as being ditzy. Napier sees the shojo characters as very strong and positive individuals. She thinks that having shojo characters are a risk but it removes the expectation that society has over female characters that are actually shojo types. Miyazaki’s work presents the shojo image by making his female characters to be as strong and brave. Most of his female characters are heroines, or simply higher up girls that have traditionally male roles. The females mostly deal with the big weapons and machinery and are not afraid of almost anything, except losing people that they cared about. His female characters are brave and risk-taking and this is how he brings or introduces shojo into his films in a very different way. Miyazaki is not falling victim to this because the way he presents shojo into his films are different; it is not the traditional way or it is not expressed that way in his films. It is the exact the opposite. He makes his females characters strong and conquering and unafraid to combat evil, which is largely different from the traditional shojo of girls being “too girly” or “ditzy and

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