Misunderstood But Great: Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Misunderstood But Great
Ralph Waldo Emerson is a philosopher, poet, essayist, and a leader of the transcendentalist movement in the mid nineteenth century. Transcendentalism is the art of a new style of writing, and a rise of the evangelical Church, and a surge of self reliance. Self reliance is the independency of one, who doesn’t rely on anyone else. Emerson says in Self Reliance, “To be great is to be misunderstood.” Greatness can be defined by being above the general normal. Isaac Newton was one of the most influential forces in the scientific revolution. Martin Luther led the reformation against the Catholic Church. These two great figures were milestones ahead of everyone in their generation, and helped form a new way of life.
Sir Isaac Newton is perhaps one of the greatest scientific and …show more content…

They convinced the townsfolk that instead of confession, they must pay to have their sins forgiven. Luther did not agree with these newly formed laws, so he began to write up his ninety-five thesis.The ninety-five theses is a list of propositions of how the Church was misusing God’s word. Luther nailed that sucker onto the door of the Church, only to become excommunicated. Luther began to preach the books of Psalms, Hebrew, Romans, and Galatians. Thus began Lutheran Church. Martin Luther was excommunicated for seeing the flaws in the Catholic Church. Despite their actions, Luther began what is the second largest branch of the Christianity faith.
Martin Luther and Isaac Newton were great, without a doubt, but the people of their times misunderstood them greatly. They both sacrificed numerous consequences to show the world of their findings. We never would have understood how gravity works, or how Jesus can forgive our sins. They persevered, and ultimately created a better world. To be great is to be misunderstood, means to be so far advanced that people cannot believe such a

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