Misunderstandings Revealed In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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Many people have had parents that barely cared about them. William Shakespeare's classic play Romeo and Juliet tells the story of two teens who meet and fall in love even though their families are having a feud. After they are secretly married, Romeo gets banished for trying to stop a fight between Mercutio and Tybalt but ultimately gets Mercutio and Tybalt killed.This leads to a series of unfortunate events and misunderstandings which ends in the lover’s suicide. Their parents lack of connection to them resulted in their untimely death. First of all, Lord Montague was so disconnected from Romeo that he had to ask Benvolio to check in on him. When Benvolio asks Lord Montague what was wrong with Romeo he replies with, “I neither know it nor can learn of him”(998). This shows that he wasn’t close enough with Romeo for him to confide to Lord Montague about his girl problems. Second, Lord Capulet could not control his temper and further distanced himself from Juliet. When Juliet tells him that she does not wanna marry Paris Lord Capulet rages at her Saying, “Hang thee young baggage! disobedient wretch! I tell thee what-get thee to church Thursday or never after look me in the face”. Lord Capulet is basically saying that if Juliet doesn’t marry Paris …show more content…

Friar Laurence knew about Romeo and Juliet’s relationship and could’ve stopped it from the beginning. However, if Romeo and Juliet's parents weren't fighting in the first place then they wouldn't have to make stupid decisions that got them killed. If Friar Laurence hadn’t tried to help Romeo he probably would’ve ended up hurting more people. Friar Laurence tried his best to help Romeo when he said, “I thought thy disposition better tempered. Hast thou slain Tybalt? Wilt thou slay thyself?” (1059). This shows that Friar Laurence cares about Romeo and wants him to not kill himself. Clearly Friar Laurence was trying help, but the parents feud couldn't be

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