Friar Laurence Is Not To Blame In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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The Friar is not to blame for the death of the lovers .Romeo and Juliet's love and decisions are upon them, Friar Laurence is not to blame for any of their actions. It is not Friar Laurence's fault due to him protecting them and giving them advice and guidance, simply Friar Laurence refers better ideas and choices rather than irrational decisions. I believe, the Friar is not to blame due to the lovers being able to make their own choices. Friar Laurence is a great friend and Ally to the couple and blessed them and performed their marriage ceremony. He guides them through the ceremonial stages. Friar Laurence had a vision that Romeo and Juliet will get married and when the secret of their marriage will be known, their families will accept it. This will bring peace and harmony in Verona. The Friar was still concerned about the consequences, but his vision was stronger than the reality. As previously mentioned, Friar Laurence is a great ally to Romeo and Juliet only for the sake of bringing peace to Verona. Friar Laurence cannot be blamed for his actions as Romeo and Juliet were adults. He advised Juliet of how she can escape from all the people around her and live happily with RomeoFriar Laurence suggested Juliet to drink the potion, but he simply advised Juliet to drink the …show more content…

He could sense the trouble that Romeo and Juliet will go through so he decided to help this young couple. Through supporting them his vision of their family feud ending would become possible. ” Friar Laurence is a father figure for Romeo by leading him in the right direction. Romeo seems to feel more comfortable talking in private to Friar Laurence than to his own father. Friar Laurence was in Romeo’s life from the beginning. He was guiding him as a teacher in the earlier scenes and later he is seen supporting Romeo in his major decisions. Friar Laurence was a good preacher and a well wisher of Romeo and Juliet, and also of

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