Friar Lawrence To Blame Analysis

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In ‘The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet’, Romeo and Juliet die due to unfortunate circumstances, but who’s fault is it really? The person who is at fault for the tragic deaths of Romeo and Juliet is the Friar Lawrence. Although Friar Lawrence did not plan for Romeo and Juliet to die his poor planning, secrecy and untimeliness happened to cost them their lives. Friar Lawrence’s biggest flaw in almost all of his plans is miscommunication and decisions made far too quickly to be thought through well enough. Even though Friar Lawrence’s intentions were ethical and well thought through in the beginning of the play his choices and his morals further along in the play seem to diminish and even Juliet begins to question if her trust in him is misplaced and if he would poison her to save himself from possible exile or death but, nevertheless she decides to trust the Friar and drink the strange concoction. …show more content…

Regardless of his doubts in the beginning of the play Friar Lawrence still weds Romeo and Juliet, hoping that it could possibly end the bad blood between the feuding Capulets and Montagues. Secrecy between the Friar and the two lovers is the first of many reasons on why Lawrence is to blame for the tragedy. As a result of Friar Lawrence officiating the wedding secretly between Romeo and Juliet, the Capulets were oblivious to the fact that Juliet had already married Romeo and therefore could not be wed to Paris. In addition to Juliet’s parents being clueless to the secret wedding, Tybalt was also unaware of his newfound relation to Romeo and consequently fought him without the knowledge that Romeo himself was no longer just a filthy Montague, but also a Capulet. Tybalt’s death was a misunderstanding that could’ve been avoided if the Friar had just been honest to both of the

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