Mistaken Behavior

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Misbehavior Behavior is a process. Basically, children aren’t born taught, they grow up one step at a time. Children have poor communication and children don’t have developmentally appropriate behavior. Children are learning how the world works. They need to be taught how to interact with their environment and society and learn how to deal with their emotions. Children behaviors are actions that they choose to meet important needs. For example, children yell, slam books, toys, used inappropriate language as a way to express their feelings. If a teacher uses punishment, children have less learning environment. Rather teacher can respond in a controlled way by helping them how to express their feelings. Misbehavior sometimes is not what it seems.
Mistaken Behavior
Mistaken behavior is when children make mistakes accidentally or intentionally, Children still learning how to act mature responses. Children are at the beginning of a lifelong learning process and will make mistakes. That’s why sometimes children’s mistaken behavior turn into a misbehavior depends how the teacher see her expectations, because children don’t know how to be capable of playing together, solve their own problems. The child doesn’t not yet have the cognitive and emotional resources to respond. …show more content…

When a teacher practice their knowledge about misbehavior and mistaken behavior. Teacher can help children to gain a sense of independence, autonomy, and self-esteem. Rather than choose to punishment children, they may develop low self-esteem or think they are bad. Another discipline is help children with common early childhood situations for example; potty training, sleeping, eating. Rather than children received orders to develop those situation, for example; “You have to eat, you have to sleep right now, you have to…” Teacher can use positive approach to teach a child self-control and confidence. Rather than sees misbehavior and what the child does

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