Mission Australia Five Core Values

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Mission Australia is a Christian charity who supports the unprotected and vulnerable Australians for over 155 years now. This charity helps many different groups in society which include the homeless, families and children who are disadvantaged, people with mental health problems and many more. Their goal is to decrease homelessness and to strengthen the communities within Australia. Mission Australia has five core values, which include; compassion, integrity, respect, perseverance and celebration. Together, these core values join to create Mission Australia and all that they believe in, not only this but these values represent just how they help those in need of it. Mission Australia and the people that are involved in the charity work of …show more content…

Mission Australia has many strategies to help the equity issues associated with homelessness. The main strategy that Mission Australia does is provide an affordable and safe home for the homeless people of Australia. In saying this, Mission Australia does do this nationwide, across Australia. Mission Australia does this by working in some of the most run down and disadvantaged communities in Australia. This charity works with a lot of innovation to provide these houses for the homeless which is an extremely effective strategy on Mission Australia’s behalf in the way that they do get the tenants of the house to be involved and protect. So much so that Mission Australia has provided a safe home for 3247 homeless people in Australia and have over 120 homelessness services. Mission Australia provides many forms of housing such as affordable housing, social housing, supported housing. Mission Australia is extremely effective in supporting people who are homeless as they work in the most disadvantaged communities in

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