Miracle Cease Fire Essay

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It’s a Girl a girl is a dramatic, gruesome scene where Kee gives birth in this run down room. The room is almost completely dark with a small light illuminating the room only enough to see some of the actors faces and actions. Exposed brick, black mold ruining down the walls broken windows. The camera pans the room while Theo is trying to deliver Kee’s baby as if to not only to show whats happing at all angles but also to bringing more tension to show the horrible conditions she has to deliver her baby in, in that room and the state of the current world. Once the camera finishes panning their bodies it zooms in at a side angel, where Kee’s face slowly moves out of the frame and you have a medium close up of Theos' face and between Kee’s legs. …show more content…

There is a misty cloud of dauber, grey in color over the room. The camera zooms in on Theo in an extreme close up with his face displaying worry over the current situation. Then it makes a cut to the a hallway with the mist covering peoples faces and also because it is darkly lit. The third cut in the scene is made back to Theo and Kee soon after the fourth cut is made. The camera angled at a different position as well and zoomed in on a women siting on the floor with her hand out, the camera highlights her hand as it reaches out toward Kee in disappear and joy as they see the baby in shock. As the scene progress and Theo and Kee walk down this hallway and stairs several cuts are made and the camera moves behind them, on the side of them and in front of them. The entire scene is shot mostly in medium long and medium close up seeing the reaction of each person as they see the new baby. The scene is very sound effect heavy with mood setting music playing in the background, a smooth opera like voice. There is also gun sound effects heavy military machine raffles and military tanks rolling. The scene ends as it begins with an explosion in the background as Theo and Kee make there way out of the war

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