Minority Marketing

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Minority Research Paper In a marketing aspect, these three ethnicities have several similarities how other marketing towards them. Amongst the three minorities Asian-Americans seem to make the most money. African-Americans spend the most money music and media. Finally, Hispanic Americans spend more money on items and services that are culturally related to them. African-American Total numbers in the U.S. 8,593,287 total African-Americans in the US Percent of the total U. S. population Rate of growth 12.6% African American Average household size 1. African-American household size: 2. two-person family-3,585,316 or 41.7% 3. three or four-person family- 3,769,736 or 43.9% 4. five-person family or more- 1,238,235 or 14.4% 5. total African-American …show more content…

Most of this is due to having a second largest household size statistically than Hispanic and Asian Americans. With the average age amongst male and females being the same or close so will most product markets. With the numbers above showing the average median income level of an African-American being $35,398 per year in 2013 20% in of the African-American population have a bachelors’ degree or higher. Depending on location (majority of which was in bigger cities and urban areas) and with the size of family on average would be considered middle-class or …show more content…

Also, last out of the three minority groups used with a 15% having a bachelor degree or higher. Hispanic Americans have a tendency of spending towards a more culturally product or brand base. You will find Hispanic Americans purchasing items at more retail and box store like Walmart or Kmart etc. Also, most other items would also be family-based. You will find the Hispanic population in the United States (bigger cities, and rural areas) West Coast, Southern coastline of the United States and East Coast. Problem with Hispanics Americans statistics finding is the amount of undocumented people from this culture so these numbers might be extremely

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