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Essays on army ethics
Military ethics during war
Army ethics research paper
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To me profession means the jobs we choose within the Military. One great aspect about Military occupation is, it can be applied toward the civilian job market. Many Civilians who have not been associated with the Military are unaware of its diverse dynamic; such as they think all the Military is trained to do is to be professional murders and our preparation to be killed, however this is not the case.
Professions in the military earn the trust of their clients through their Ethic - which is their means of motivation and self-control. Self-policing is absolutely necessary for the success to be a Profession of Arms. The Military encourages its Soldiers through a verity of aspects such as, raises and promotions and depending on the military
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While there are many ways to try to balance the U.S. Army, just because of its very large size there are two ways to have this discussion. The first, is the role of strategic leaders, the sergeants major, colonels, and general officers as the positions they hold. The second area, is relationships between the Army‘s culture, and climate and its institutional practices. These need to be aligned in a way to influence the mindset of Army professionals, their commitment, satisfaction, and well-being” (STANZA, 2018).
Self-awareness at the institutional level is as imperative as is at the personal level. What cannot be understood cannot be changed, it is essentially how we feel, and how the Army feels about itself. Culture is the system of shared meaning, it is held by Soldiers and how they feel about themselves as well.
My opinion of the Human Recourses Non-Commissioned Officer’s Role in the Army Profession, is you are getting much more than a Human Recourses Non- Commissioned Officer, because a lot of your Human Recourse Non-Commissioned Sergeants have experience in other areas within the Military to include Infantry, Engineers, Supply, culinary specialist, Maintenance Mechanics, Transportation (Truck Divers), Military intelligence and many more Military Occupational
The United States Army, in its current state, is a profession of arms. In order to be considered a profession, the organization must have an ethical code rooted in values, strong trust with its clients, and be comprised of experts within the trade. These experts are constantly developing the trade for the present and the future and hold the same shared view of their trade culture. The Army currently has an ethical code embodied in the Army Values, which provides guidance to the individual and the organization. These values are universal across the Army, regardless of an individual’s personal background or religious morals.
This paper will not bore with the definition of a profession. The United States Army is about more than words, it is about action. The action of over 238 years of tradition and service. The Army is a profession. A profession requires its members to adhere to prolonged training and learn specialized skills. A member of a profession must wholly commit himself and his skills to a calling which is entrusted by the public. A profession provides its members with intrinsic value which motivates beyond financial gain. The Army is a higher calling which demands all of these qualities and more.
In order to understand a profession, the Army White Paper gives us clear definitions of “The Profession of Arms” . The profession of arms. The Army is American Professional of Arms, a vacation comprised of experts certified in the ethical application of land combat power, serving under civilian authority, entrusted to defend the constitution and the rights and interests of the American people.
The United States Army consists of soldiers from many diverse cultures. Citizenship is not a requirement to join the Army, so people enlist from across the United States as well as from many countries around the world. The Army has its own unique culture that is a conglomeration of the many cultures that make up its population. Each new soldier is expected to adapt to this new culture and integrate as a member of a larger team. Helping new soldiers make this adaptation as quickly as possible and with few difficulties is a challenge for the leaders of new soldiers throughout the Army.
Colonel Mathew Moten once said, “Professions are not professions simply because they say they are. Their clients, society as a whole, have to accept their claims and trust the professions with jurisdiction over important areas of human endeavor”.
We can identify three major cultural dimensions that help us to understand what leaders must focus on as they guide the transition of the Army. First, professional Identity, which is guided by Soldiers at all levels who are striving for excellence in their functional specialty, i.e., HR Sergeants. Soldiers who have goals and ideals of the Army to ethically put service and duty first. HR Sergeants are trained and well educated in their field. They are taught to put Soldiers first and have great customer support skills. Second, community, the sense in which Soldiers stop thinking about “I” and start thinking “we”. The bond among units who not only believe in cohesion with Soldiers, but their families too. The HR Sergeants are there to take care of Soldiers when financial issues arise with them or their families and don’t back down until the situation is solved. Last, hierarchy, which leads to order and control and provides Soldiers with moral reference and a sense of direction. The HR Sergeant has the mentality of mission first, knowing who to contact at the next level for assistance helps get the mission
As our forefathers before us stated, ‘‘No one is more professional than I. I am a Noncommissioned Officer, a leader of soldiers. As a Noncommissioned Officer, I realize that I am a member of a time honored corps, which is known as “The Backbone of the Army (“The NCO Creed writing by SFC Earle Brigham and Jimmie Jakes Sr”). These words to Noncommissioned Officer should inspire us to the fullest with pride, honor, and integrity. The NCO creed should mean much more than just words whenever we attend a NCO’s school. For most of us this is what our creed has become because we learn to narrate or recite. The military from the Army, Navy, Air Force, and Coast Guard has an overabundance of NCOs who fall under their pay grade of E-5, E-6 and etc. Yet somehow there still not enough leaders. I believe that the largest problem afflicting the military today is our lack of competent leaders, ineffective leader development, and how we influence our subordinates under us who are becoming leaders.
Joining the military is not just a job or a path to a career, but a life style that requires dedication. The life style of a service member is not easy and is made up of many different characteristics which is known as the warrior society. Authoritarian structure, isolation and alienation, class system, parent absence, importance of mission, and preparation for disaster: war make up the culture aspects of the warrior society and will be discussed in further detail (Hall, 2008).
Snider, D. M. (2008). Dissent and strategic leadership of the military professions. Carlisle Barracks, PA: Strategic Studies Institute, U.S. Army War College.
The role of the Army Human Resources (HR) Sergeant is that of a leader in the Profession of Arms (The Profession of Arms 2010, p. 3) and also a subject matter expert on all matters pertaining to human resources support. Undoubtedly the core competencies of HR support including Man the Force, Provide HR Services, Coordinate Personnel Support, and Conduct HR Planning and Operations should be the main areas of expertise for an HR Sergeant (FM 1-0 Human Resources Support 2014, Figure 1-1). However, this essay focuses on the topic of empathy as one of three key psychological resource for moral action, the other two being self-command and moral pride (The Profession of Arms 2010, p. 14). It is straightforward to teach a Soldier technical ability
Colonel Malham M. Wakin, in his evening address, asks whether Plato's claim that "knowledge is virtue" is true. Much contemporary experience suggests otherwise. To some extent, such an observation could apply to the military as well. Col Wakin argues that we do have some basic knowledge about human conduct, but that we live in a highly pluralistic society in which some practices reject that basic knowledge. Nonetheless, even though we draw members of the military from that pluralistic society, the uniqueness of the military function will always keep its leading practitioners apart from the mainstream of civilian society. The military profession swears to defend the values, the lifestyle that incorporates the minimal conditions for human dignity. After examining the convergence of the values that are functionally necessary for the military and those that we know are fundamental to social existence, he concludes that a competent military profession can serve as a moral anchor for its parent society.
The Military Social Institution is one of the three Primary Social Institutions. The military was initially established to help protect, as well as unify a country, but since it’s development, it’s done so plus more. The Military as a social institution has led to domination and conquering of sorts, while trying to balance morals and justifications. Since the military is run by the government, it can be assumed that not only does this institution try to control and rationalize, but also continue to boil over into much of the other institutions.
Self-disciplined people are masters of their impulses. This mastery comes from the habit of doing the right thing. Self-discipline allows Army leaders to do the right thing regardless of the consequences for them or their subordinates. Under the extreme stress of combat, you and your team might be cut off and alone, fearing for your lives, and having to act without guidance or knowledge of what’s going on around you. Still, you—the leader—must think clearly and act reasonably. Self-discipline is the key to this kind of behavior.
As the bus entered the heavily guarded military instillation, I gazed upon the sign that read, "Be All that You Can Be." When the bus stopped, several angry Drill Instructors boarded and began introducing us to a very colorful vocabulary, usually reserved for drunken Sailors. They instructed us to gather our belongings, get off the bus and assemble in a circular formation. As I searched for the strength to get up, I found myself moving, while several Drill Instructors yelled at us for our clumsy attempt to dismount the bus and fall into formation. I wondered if I had made the right choice. However, I have come to realize that my military experiences have tremendously enhanced my self-worth. From those first eight weeks of Basic Training to the day I walked out with an honorable discharge, I gained an enormous amount of skill and confidence. I grew as a person, and I learned life skills: discipline, tenacity, leadership, and problem solving abilities, all of which will enhance my potential as a student.
Before I describe to you some of the “routine” and specific situations, investigations, and actual cases and dispositions I encountered I feel I should outline some of the training that that I received starting with the Military Police and Basic Training. Looking back I see the importance of the initial Army training that centered on physical conditioning and the discipline necessary to obey and follow orders to become part of a team. We learned that what was good for one was good for all and of course the reverse. Each morning we stood inspection outside of the barracks with our field packs on. Part of our required equipment during the inspections was a razor. We found out why one morning at the beginning of our training cycle when one of