Migraines Research Paper

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Migraines are not as common as many believe, actually, only about 12 percent of the U.S population gets migraines (Reinald Shyti, Boukje de Vries, Arn van den Maagdenberg, 2011). The recurring headache can range anywhere from moderate to severe. There are four stages of symptoms starting with Prodrome symptoms which occur one to two days before a migraine attack. Prodrome symptoms include constipation, mood changes, food cravings, neck stiffness, increased thirst and urination, and frequent yawning. The second stage is Aura which lasts for about 20 to 60 minutes and may occur before or during a migraine. Symptoms of the Aura stage include flashes of light, vision loss, pins and needles sensation in arm or leg, numbness or weakness on face or one side of the body, speech difficulty, hearing noise or music, and uncontrollable jerking. The third stage is the Attack stage that can lasts 72 hours if not treated. Symptoms of the attack stage include pain on one side or both sides of the head, pain that feels throbbing or pulsing, extreme sensitivity to light and sound, nausea, vomiting, blurred vision, and lightheadedness sometimes followed by fainting. The last stage is Post-dromed symptoms which occur after a migraine. …show more content…

She had a migraine attack three times a week with severe pain. By using neurofeedback, breathing, and vascular biofeedback techniques, her migraine attacks were reduced to just four a month with mild pain. Of course this did not happen overnight. She had to do a total of 25 training sessions on the treatments, and she has to continue to do them herself to keep the migraine attacks at an all time low. Not only were the amount of attacks reduced, but the pain decreased significantly as well. As a result, biofeedback does work and is fit specifically for each individual person (Martic-Biocina, Kozina, & Zivoder,

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