Microskills Video Analysis

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In the Microskills video (Ivey, Ivey, & Banez, 2002), the facilitator kept bringing the members’ attention to here-and-now. It appeared that reflecting on the members’ present experiences as they talked about their past episodes was helpful. The members were able to share their experiences from their body rather than heavily intellectualizing them. According to Yalom (1995), focusing on here-and-now is one of fundamental tasks of group process. He further asserted that activation of here-and-now is not enough. The group must also be able to reflect or illuminate the process in here-and-now (Yalom, 1995). The facilitator in Ivey, et al. (2002) was able to do both in some extent. I realized that the participants in Ivey, et al. (2002) video

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