Microblading: The New Trend in Bridal Beauty Prep

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You've booked the photographer, bought your dress and sent your invitations. Time to consider your makeup and hair for your big day! More and more brides are considering microblading as part of their wedding prep to ensure they have perfect brows sorted well ahead of their wedding day.

So what is microblading?

Microblading is a form of semi-permanent makeup, where a skilled artist carefully imbeds pigment in the skin beneath your eyebrows with a very fine blade. The result is an eyebrow tattoo which looks completely natural and complements your face. Having an eyebrow tattoo before your wedding is not part of the traditional bridal preparation! However, considering your make up will be easier on the day and you can guarantee perfect brows …show more content…

Microblading is done by skilled eyebrow artists who have trained in permanent makeup techniques such as eyebrow tattooing. Not all artists will give the same result so it's a good idea to get recommendations from friends, family or online before choosing who you want to go with. Ask to see examples of their work and consider how their style fits with what you're after.

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If you want to go ahead with microblading before your wedding you'll need to plan the time frame carefully. Microblading involves two appointments, four to six weeks apart. At the first, the eyebrow tattoo will be completed after careful consultation with you, and at the second your eyebrow artist will review your brows and do any touch ups which are necessary. This time span is important and cannot be rushed, as the eyebrow tattoo pigment will settle into the skin as the natural healing process takes place in those weeks.

You'll want to give your brows time to heal completely after the touch up session. Initially, the finish may be bolder than desired, so ideally you need at least two weeks between the touch up session and your wedding day. Try to book any makeup trial for after your brows have completely healed so that your makeup artist can work with your new look.

Consider other beauty treatments too.

Many brides have beauty treatments planned before their wedding. Make sure you discuss any planned treatments with your eyebrow artist. Some treatments such as anti-wrinkle injections need to be completed a two to four weeks before your microblading sessions. Some other treatments such as scrubs or peels need to be done two weeks after your eyebrow tattoo has been completed as they may interfere with the healing

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