Michel Foucault's Panopticism

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In order to truly summarize/explain Michel Foucault’s “Panopticism” one must then understand both his point of view as well as Panopticism as a whole. However a primary issue when trying to break down and understand Foucault’s writing is manly due to the fact that his writing, and language itself is difficult to grasp, because at its core this reading is difficult to grasp. The main concept behind Foucault’s “Panopticism” is control and power. These key concepts are stressed throughout Foucault’s entire essay. To understand Foucault’s point of view one must grasp Foucault’s basic principals in “Panopticism”. These principles are centered on the idea of control, which in turn leads to power. When in control an individual/governing body …show more content…

We know the principle on which it was based at the periphery, an annular building; at the center, a tower; this tower is pierced with wide windows that open onto the inner side of the ring; the periphery building is divided into cells, each of which extends the whole width of the building; they have two windows, one on the inside, corresponding to the windows of the tower; the other, on the outside, allows that light to cross the cell from one end to the other” (Page #184). Foucault explains how those inside cannot see those who are watching them but can still be watched. This, at its core, causes those individuals to respond accordingly and thus make them be more diligent workers, students, etc. This invokes the same response amongst us today on the Internet, we know that someone can watch what we are doing and so we make sure we do not do anything idiotic to end us in trouble. Therefore this basically is the same ideology as the Panopticon. The enclosed environment and constant surveillance is a key concept that allows the Panopticon to work. It will allow for those to whom are being watched within its structure (either physically tangible or intangible), to be controlled in an enclosed environment. Ideally this would be best for a jail, as it would be able to control people and keep them in line for the duties they must carry

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