Michael Scott's Task Role In The Workplace

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1. I watched the television show The Office, Episode 2 Season 1. Michael Scott has taken on the leader task role in this group. One would know this because he is the boss in "the office". He is the chosen leader at the office, but he is also a motivator and encourager. In this episode, the office celebrates Diversity Day, which Michael is very excited about even though he does not understand it himself. I feel like Michael is very good at encouraging and hyping up his employees, but I’m not convinced that the office is really influenced by his leadership attempts. He does not have very good leadership skills, or the ability to influence the behavior if others through communication. Although Michael is chosen to be the leader, he is not a very …show more content…

One can tell that Michael Scott is the motivator of the group and knows how to encourage his employees. Though, I do believe that Scott does care about diversity but he just explains things in his own unique way. He does push most of his coworkers to take another step further and try to teach them how to celebrate being diverse by telling them that they are all great and wonderful. Scott’s motivating techniques can be controversial, but somehow at times they do work. For example, he wants all his coworkers to participate in diversity day and concentrate on subject matters that really do not involve in the workplace which can affect them of getting any work done at the office. In my personal experience, when I use to work for an ice cream shop my boss always tried to motivate me in my work and let me know when I was doing something good. She would also encourage me when I was doing something wrong and try to fix it in the best way possible. In The Office, Pam plays the role of the group observer as she is the receptionist for the office and hears and sees everything that goes on. During her day, he sits at the front desk and does not socialize with many people, which is good because she allows the other employees to get their work done without interruptions. At the ice cream store, we had an employee that was very similar to Pam as she was very quiet and shy but brought joy and happiness with her wherever she …show more content…

A self-centered individual is one who is overly concerned about his or her own needs and wants. Of course, there is sub roles relating to self-centered such as an aggressor, dominator, and recognition-seeker. In The Office, Dwight Schrute is a great example of someonewho exhibits a self-centered personality. Dwight has his own personal agenda in the office. He would defiantly be a recognition seeker as he takes on multiple jobs/tasks in hopes of receiving praise. In season 3 episode 1 Dwight has no shame in supplying all of his co-workers with the lowest tier insurance plan to save the company money just to receive praise from Michael. This impacts the office group because they perceive Dwight as a try hard in turn causing him to be

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