Mexican Street Corruption Essay

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“How can we arrange this situation?” A typical phrase any driver or officer says when you get pulled over. (Najar) Street corruption in Mexico is something pretty sad that happens everyday. The main cause is that Mexicans are not willing to take responsibility of their actions and police officers use their power and take advantage of the situation. Since everyone benefits from these transactions in the short run, Mexicans, including cops, think it is not that bad. Citizens probably do not know how it harms us in the long run. The local budget for towns decreases, while that money could be used on making services better in those towns. Being able to avoid big fines has caused Mexicans to drive carelessly. Since consequences will not be that hard Mexicans stopped respecting driving laws. Education is a big problem since Mexicans don’t have many examples of what a good citizen is. The moral values that are taught in school are not reflected in the streets. Mexicans should start following their conscience and stop making or …show more content…

( E.V. Transparency International) In street corruption both sides of the bribery are benefited. Police officers get money straight to their pockets and drivers avoid a bigger ticket. Most Mexicans do not want street corruption to end because they are directly benefited from it. They do not about the harm that it is bringing to Mexico. “Mexico lost about 6,000 million US dollars in the past decade due to corruption.” (México) Street/ police corruption being a big part of why that number is so high.(Corruption)
This is directly seen in local budgets of small towns that need that fine money that is not getting to them. This money could be used to improve roads and public services. There are some roads in small towns that are in abysmal conditions. It is ironic that bad roads are a big complaint in those towns, and the complainers are a cause for roads not being improved over

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