Mexican Culture Interview Paper

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Interviewing and learning from potential health care professional that lived in Mexico can be a very productive interview if you understand the culture and respect their cultural believes. The culture understands warmth and deep lasting relationships. For example, Buena gente in Spanish means a good person. This is socially acceptable in their culture, they want to be understood and respected to one’s good side. The Mexican culture continues to have deep meaningful relationships by helping each other find jobs, personal pride, town, country, and one’s culture. They search for the dignity in others. When the Mexican culture is suspicious of other’s behavior and senses disrespect, or lack of having close friendships you might be classified …show more content…

The Mexican culture does seek a formal approach. I did shake their hand knowing my first impression is a lasting one. I am being look at for my appearance, style and my attentiveness related to small details. I did consider everyone’s feelings when asking questions and gathering answers while conducting an interview.
The Mexican Culture holds high regard for other’s based on their education. It has been explained to me that their culture may not understand our educational system so explaining your educational background will only help you gain respect and be looked at as a person that finds education to be just as important as they do.
When I wanted to explore more about the healthcare availability and networking I was introduced to the New Mexico Nurses Association newspaper. After reading the article I cited for this paper it was brought to my attention that this paper wanted to stress the importance that we are all nurses in a changing world. The paper consists of many different countries located in Mexico and surrounding areas. (The New Mexico Nurse. 2005) Another article I was induced to regarding NMNA was promoting legislation taken at the capital by illustrating through pictures in the NMNA paper. There were over 300 students and nurses that traveled to the capitol for a two-day workshop to learn about polices. (DeRoos,

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