Metastatic Melanoma Research Paper

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Metastatic Melanoma: A Skin Cancer
Joseph Castillo
St. Pius X- St. Matthias Academy
General Biology, Pr. 3
Ms. Nieshe Washington

Cancer: What is Cancer?
In general, the word cancer is the name given to a collection of related diseases (What is cancer? n.d.. ). In our everyday life multiple thousands of your cells divide in order to keep the function of that certain cell ongoing. Through out all types of cancer, the body begins to force cells to divide without cease which then spreads to the surrounding tissue. Cancer can take form in any part of the human body, were thousands of cells are cancerous. Through time human cells grow and divide to form new ones as it is a requirement for the body to keep functioning. Therefore …show more content…

Melanocytes are the cells responsible for the production of melanin, known as the tan or brown pigment produced to protect the skin from harmful sunrays. Melanocytes are located in the epidermis which is known as the first layer of skin. How melanoma skin cancer begins to form is by forming benign tumors. Which is basically a mass of non cancerous cells and have a slower growth rate than a malignant tumor. This is commonly seen as a (nevus) mole, this a form of a benign skin tumor due to melanocytes producing an abundant amount of melanin causing it to collect. Metastatic melanoma can nearly develop anywhere on the skin for males it is on the trunk, chest and upper body, were as for women it is common to see it on the legs. Metastatic can aslo spread through the epidermis and into the …show more content…

The most important warning sign for melanoma is a new spot on the skin or a spot that is changing in size, shape, or color. Another important sign is a spot that looks different from all of the other spots on your skin (known as the ugly duckling sign). (Signs and symptoms of melanoma skin cancer. n.d.) How melanoma skin cancer begins to form is by forming benign tumors. This is commonly seen as a mole (nevus) which is a benign skin tumor that develops from melanocytes. Melanomas can develop anywhere on the skin, but they are more likely to start on the trunk (chest and back) in men and on the legs in women. The neck and face are other common

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