Metaphysics Comparison of Aristotle and Aquinas

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In human history there has been a great deal of people who have devoted their lives seeking answers to questions that bring logic to our world. These questions are outside of our physical realm and often difficult to comprehend; theories to these questions are categorized under a branch of philosophy called metaphysics. The founding father of this branch, Aristotle, was born in 384 BCE in northern Greece. His works have changed the way a lot of people see the world and has been a great influence on many great philosophers to this day. Thomas Aquinas, Italian born priest and philosopher living in the 13th century is no exception to the influence that Aristotle had on the world. A big portion of his philosophy actually uses Aristotle’s works to entwine both faith and human reason. So, seeing as both philosophers were such critical thinkers during times of limited knowledge and resources (compared to today), one must wonder: how do these theories and ideas still have an impact on us today? I believe that the era they were born and the society they lived in shaped their beliefs that still impact us today through religion, politics and nature; this can be expressed by comparing and contrasting the views/theories of both Aristotle and Aquinas.
Religion is an important aspect to many lives to this day, it helps people make sense of the world and guides our morality and ethical decisions so that we can live in a good society. Religion comes in many forms and practices but most tend to share similar beliefs which make it easier to coexist in our society. In the classical Greek era (500BC- 300BC) Aristotle lived amongst a society whom practiced paganism or only worshiped the father god Zeus. Thomas Aquinas on the other hand was born in Ita...

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