Metaparadigm Of Nursing

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A metaparadigm is commonly described as a set of concepts and propositions that set forth a general statement of a discipline. The central focus of the profession of nursing is developed around the idea of providing different dimensions of care to individuals in need by use of science and the promotion of health. As follows, nurses must always take a holistic approach towards the care of their clients and to maintain the same approach among all clients; the meta-paradigm of nursing was developed. The metaparadigm of nursing was first developed by Florence Nightingale and has since been adopted by all nursing professionals. This is a general concept that has developed over time to define the discipline of nursing. The structure for the knowledge The internal environment is the individual’s own, emotional. This can be achieved by providing medical practices such as assessing, diagnosing, implementing and evaluating. However, the overreaching goal of nursing is to provide the person with the support they need and to build on the strengths and natural abilities of the individuals while involving their families and communities in their path to healing. Fawcett makes a valid statement about Overall, having taken a closer look into the meta-paradigm of nursing it a multidimensional concept that aims to address and enhance the practice of Every individual’s perspective of well-being varies according to how they define the term health. For a person living with a terminal disease, their definition of health may be completely different than a person who is living without any illnesses. Therefore, the term health is contextual and exits on a continuum and does not have an absolute definition. The World Health Organization describes health as “a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity”. Taking this into consideration when individualizing care with each client allows the nurse to take into a full understanding of how the client views health and

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