Metaparadigm: A Definition Of The Nursing Theory Of Nursing

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In the field of nursing, compassion, understanding, and tenacity are valued characteristics that allows the nurse to be effective in his/her provision of care. It necessitates the delivery of quality care with the greatest respect and patience for all persons of varying lifestyles. The nurse-patient relationship respects the autonomy of patients as individuals through dignity and worth (Rich, 2008). It is mandated that in all professional relationships, the nurse practices with compassion and without restrictions toward each individual regardless of diversity, socioeconomic condition or ethnicity (Rich, 2008).

Health can be defined as a state of being “whole” not just the absence of illness or disease. …show more content…

The concepts of the nursing metaparadigm symbolizes the worldview of a discipline in its broadest perspective. The metaparadigm of nursing has four concepts which are all interrelated however they have diverse meanings; person, environment, health, and nursing (Wills, 2007). When defined individually, these concepts incorporate many of the apprehensions of …show more content…

Nursing practice is facilitating, supporting and assisting individuals, families, communities and/or societies to enhance, maintain and recover health, and to reduce and ameliorate the effects of illness. Nursing’s relational practice and science are directed toward the explicit outcome of health related quality of life within the immediate and larger environmental contexts (Thorne et al., 1998, p. 1265).
Nursing is perceived as a moral practice, because its purpose is primarily the restoration of others, and not personal gain or profit (Austin, 2011). Nursing is experienced as a triad embodiment of: a caring relationship, caring behaviour (which includes cognitive and affective virtues, as well as expert knowledge and skills), and good care (Schotsmans et al., 1998) (Schotsmans, Gastmans et al. 1998).
Nursing is by nature a moral act since nurses and patients encounter each other and participate in a kind of ballet of faith, and because the nurse is concerned with enhancing the life of another human being (Delmar, 2008).The ultimate believe is that virtuous nursing requires a logical approach grounded on evidenced based practice, with unity in what matters most (patient care) but diversity by which paradigm is achieved. Such an approach recognises the difficulty of human experiences of health and illness and recommends the need to work within a range of knowledge forms and paradigms, making the best informed decision

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