Metamorphosis Transformation Essay

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Throughout The Metamorphosis, Franz Kafka’s protagonist, Gregor, is not able to assert any power within his life. Instead, Gregor makes myriad sacrifices for his family, to the point of his own detriment. The extent of Gregor’s sacrifice is fateful: he works hard at a job he dislikes to provide his family an income to repay their debt, even though none of his family members work. Gregor has no social life and very little comfort or happiness. But, it is proven through Gregor's transformation that the rest of the family is perfectly capable of work and self-sufficiency; as a matter of fact, the family prospers despite Gregor's infirmity. The height of palpable conflict is when Gregor moves to defend his possessions as his sister, Grete, now possessing power and autonomy within the family, removes the furniture from his bedroom. Gregor is emotional and possessive, and he attempts to guard and protect his belongings. This marks the first time throughout the course of the novel that Gregor displays self-interest, putting his own desires before another’s. Nevertheless, this is not a l...

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