Metamorphoses Vs Pygmalion

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The Pygmalion myth as told in Ovid’s Metamorphoses is a fairly straightforward love story. Pygmalion is a sculptor who hates women and sculpts a beautiful statue of a woman. As it would, he falls in love with his statue and when the festival of Venus arrives, Pygmalion prays to Venus so that he can find a wife like the girl he has carved from ivory. Luckily for him, Venus knows his heart’s desire and she brings the statue to life. Pygmalion and his wife marry and live happily ever after. Though the girl is never named by Ovid, later on the name Galatea is attributed to her. There are certain aspects of the Pygmalion myth that are rather sickening when taking into account the message behind the myth. The entire basis of the Pygmalion plot stems from a character making another - literally, such as making a statue, or figuratively, though lessons in …show more content…

In any context, ancient or modern, this is problematic as it has shades of grooming and there is a definite power imbalance in the relationship. My adaptation of the Pygmalion myth deconstructs the Pygmalion myth and examines the unhealthy relationship that develops from such an imbalance.
I would create a concept album, following a variation of the myth of Pygmalion and Galatea, where Galatea leaves Pygmalion in the end. Pygmalion and Galatea within the context of the album, would be a successful star and rising singer, respectively. Composed of thirteen songs, the songs in the album would be sung from the alternating point of views of Pygmalion and Galatea and would progressively get darker, representing the dark relationship that Galatea has found herself in. Song 1 would be a rock ballad sung from Pygmalion’s point of view about how much he hates women and how they disgust him. Song 2 would be an indie folk ballad sung by Galatea about her hopes and dreams of becoming a famous singer. Song 3 would have Pygmalion meeting Galatea and he sings about his first impressions

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