Mesoamerican Society Essay

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Roles that helped shape the development of the Mesoamerican society were innovations, inventions, labor organizations and industries. Also the roles assigned to the girls and boys in their society and also their literature that they wrote. The roles in helping develop the Mesoamerican society can categorized into three different area Technology, Culture, and Economy.
One of the roles identified in Mesoamerican society is Technology. For example, in Document #1, Francisco Hernandez, a Spanish naturalist of the early 16th century, he believed that this plant was able to help the Valley of Mexico in various different ways such as firewood, to cover roofs, or as roof tiles, plates or as dishes, make paper, footwear, cloth, and various garments. The plant can also be …show more content…

A document that would be able to help support D ocument #1 would be a report of someone who bought the plant to use for the uses as listed by Francisco Hernandez. That document would help prove the usefulness of the plant. Now according to Document #2, you would be able to determine that the Mayas were really advanced for their time since them possessing steadfast bow, the swift, sharp flint arrow, and also body armor, the cape, and the collar. Also in Document #5 Heran Cortes, a Spanish conqueror of the Aztec Empire in 1521, the empire at the time believed that the empire was advancing at a very rapid rate in all aspects of the empire. The conqueror also believed that by talking about the bridges, multitude of canoes, and the wooden bridges it expressed how truly advanced the Aztecs were and also how skilled they were. All these technological accomplishments helped play into the development of the Mesoamerican society. A document that would be able to help support this would be something that came from the Aztecs

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