Mental Illness In The Workplace

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Many people believe that mental illness has a more negative impact on family and friends when it has more of a negative impact on employment and finding future employment. The statistic by PBS “In the U.S, people with mental illness are two to three times more likely to be unemployed, and their employment rate is 15 percentage points lower for those without mental health problems.” shows that people are less likely to hire people with mental illnesses because of the negative stigma behind mental health. Employers may think that they will be incapable of completing task, incompetent, not possess the communication skills that they need to interact with other workers. Having a job can benefit a person with a mental illness tremendously, it not only gives them a sense of purpose and self it gives them a chance to plan and carry out activities and events in the workplace and encourages them to develop well needed skills. …show more content…

Having a job is something that will definitely help them battle the sense of social isolation and give them a reason for being. In the article written by the WHO they also state some negative effects of the workplace on a person mental health is job stress, such as overworking, lack of clear instructions,unrealistic deadlines, lack of decision-making, job insecurity, isolated working conditions. Jobs can definitely take a toll on a person physically and mental abilities and force them to find ways to cope with the stressors of being employed and also force them to improve their communication skills by asking for support when they need it to avoid

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