Mental Illness: Article Analysis

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History of Mental Illness Friday, September 22,2017 I am interested in this article called “A Beautiful Mind: The History of The Treatment for Mental Illness.” This article talks about how the treatment for mental illness has grown over the years. I find it very fascinating how much our world and people have changed. While reading this article I realized that life is very unfair sometimes, and it is also very confusing at times as well. To me, all of these torture techniques used were completely unnecessary, and not any of those people deserved what happened to them. Unfortunately, many great people died because of the measures that were taken in asylums. All of it was taken way too far, and I don’t see the reason behind any of it. I choose this article to read because I love learning about the Asylums and what happened in them. Although, it was horrific I find it very fascinating. In this article they mention “Electroshock therapy.” Institutions would use this method thinking it would help them, …show more content…

Although, according to the article, around the 3rd century B.C.E, the Greeks changed how people viewed mental disorders. Hippocrates (philosopher and physician) found out that the mental illness is caused by chemicals in your brain. Everything happens naturally, which pushed Hippocrates to help find a solution. They worked together to try and fix these imbalances by using techniques like, phlebotomies, bloodletting,purging, and forcing diets on the people that needed it. Many other cultures realized that they have been doing it all wrong too, and began using Hippocrates techniques as well. Although, some cultures still believed in the old ways of treating mental illness, and that is was caused by supernatural forces. Which lead cultures to continue to drill holes in mentally ill patients. I found every last word very interesting about this article and I really enjoyed learning things I didn’t know

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