Mental Illness Among LGBT Adolescents

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Human service professionals contend with a myriad of issues related to youth in today’s society. Each of them requires our attention and professionalism. It is our responsibility to educate ourselves and seek opportunities to enhance our ability to approach these diverse populations in a culturally competent and sensitive manner. For the topic of this paper the learner has selected mental illness among lesbian, gay, bisexual, and, transgender (LGBT) youth. LGBT youth face many adversities as they transition into adolescence while trying to come to terms with gender identity. They are also prone to being victimized by homophobic individuals and this along with other factors can often lead to poor psychological issues (Hackimer, & Proctor, …show more content…

As such, they are susceptible to such difficulties as mental illness, substance abuse, low self-esteem, and, suicide anxiety (Mizock, & Mueser, 2014). Mental illness amongst LGBT youth is a significant human behavioral issue for professionals to address. Although society has begun to move towards acceptance of LGBT individuals over the past fifty years; stigma and discrimination still exists Hackimer, & Proctor, 2015). However LGBT youth still experience a wide array of mental health conditions including but not limited to depression, posttraumatic stress disorder, (PTSD), anxiety, and suicidal ideation. They may also experience greater stressors than LGBT adults due to the effects of the natural challenges of puberty (Mustanski, Andrews, & Pucket, 2016). A healthy social environment is critical to an LGBT youth’s ability to thrive. If they are surrounded by homophobia and negativity towards homosexuality; they will likely suffer from minority stress. Homophobia is defined as prejudicial and superior attitudes towards homosexuality (Stringer, 2013) LGBT youth’s mental health conditions are often related to experiences of homophobia, parental rejection, and victimization at home and in their schools (Mustanski, Andrews, & Pucket, 2016). However, LGBT youth who are supported by peers, parents,

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