Meniscus Tear: Knee Injury

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Meniscus Tear With Phase I Rehab

A meniscus tear is a knee injury in which a piece of the meniscus is torn. The meniscus is a thick, rubbery, wedge-shaped cartilage in the knee. Two menisci are located in each knee. They sit between the upper leg bone (femur) and larger lower leg bone (tibia). Each meniscus acts as a shock absorber for the knee and helps keep the knee stable.

A torn meniscus is one of the most common types of knee injuries. This injury can range from mild to severe. Surgery may be needed for a severe tear.

This condition can be caused by any squatting, twisting, or pivoting movement. It is commonly caused by a sports-related movement or injury, such as:

Running while making quick pivoting or turning movement. …show more content…

Repeat __________ times. Complete this exercise __________ times per day.

Exercise B: Knee Extension Sitting

Sit with your left / right heel propped on a chair, coffee table, or foot stool. Your knee should be unsupported.

Allow your leg muscles to relax, letting gravity straighten out your knee. You should feel a stretch behind your left / right knee.

If told by your health care provider, place a __________ lb weight on your thigh, just above your kneecap, to deepen the stretch.

Hold this position for __________ seconds.

Repeat __________ times. Complete this stretch __________ times per day.


These exercises build strength and endurance in your knee. Endurance is the ability to use your muscles for a long time, even after they get tired.

Exercise C: Isometrics, Quadriceps

Lie on your back with your left / right leg extended and your opposite knee bent. Put a rolled towel or small pillow under your right/left knee if told by your health care provider.

Slowly tense the muscles in the front of your left / right thigh by pushing the back of your knee down. You should see either your knee cap slide up toward your hip or increased dimpling just above the …show more content…

Relax the muscles slowly and completely.

Repeat __________ times. Complete this exercise __________ times per day.

Exercise D: Quadriceps, Straight Leg Raises

Lay on your back with your left / right leg extended and your opposite knee bent.

Tense the muscles in the front of your left / right thigh. You should see either your knee cap slide up or increased dimpling just above the knee.

Keep these muscles tight and raise your leg 4 to 6 inches (10 to 15 cm) off the floor.

Hold this position for __________ seconds.

Keeping these muscles tense, lower your leg.

Relax the muscles slowly and completely.

Repeat __________ times. Complete this exercise __________ times per day.

Exercise E: Hamstring, Curls

Lay on your stomach with your legs straight and a folded towel or small pillow under your left / right thigh, just above your

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