Memorable Day In Halloween

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America has many days dating back in history which need to be celebrated. To illustrate, the fourth of July is very important to Americans because it is the the day they have gained their independence and freedom. Celebrating the most memorable day of the country, citizens have made fireworks and barbeque a tradition every year with family and friends. The fourth of November,Thanksgiving, is also commemorated by fellow Americans with a traditional and delicious turkey. Inhabitants of America reminisce on their life and share what they are thankful for. This day holds plenty of joyous feelings. Soaring with high creativity, Halloween is a holiday that allows children (or even adults) to dress up as witches, monsters, or other characters besides …show more content…

The first costume ever made was of Frankenstein, the first monster to set foot in Halloween. The history behind Frankenstein is very intriguing and makes the original and recent Frankenstein so distinct. Frankenstein was a creation of a woman by the name of Mary Shelley in the year 1818 (Dale, “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: A Documentary”). Shelley was at a difficult stage in life and there was no precise way for her to deal with the worrisome other than through literature. She decided to pour her life into her famous novel, Frankenstein. Frankenstein is about a scientist named Victor Frankenstein who tested out a theory of bringing people back to life. Victor used various items such as human body parts and much more to bring back the dead. (Branagh, “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein). Certainly, his first creation was a human named Frankenstein. However, his creation was not successful. Frankenstein was an outrageous man with non human powers. He seemed more like a monster. He brought evil into the town and into Victor’s family. As stated before, the 1818 version of Frankenstein shares some sad experiences regarding the author. Thus, the tone of the novel is very depressing. Frankenstein, the monster, had many responsibilities for his actions …show more content…

Mary Shelley had to make changes to her novel because it was too “explicit” for her readers. Shelley had to make these mass changes in order for her novel to get published (Dale. “Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein: A Documentary"). Instead of having 3 volumes, it came down to 24 chapters ( In order to make her novel more appealing to her readers, she removed the scientific references to decrease the negative debates and arguments in the public ( Removal of the scientific ideas has caused an occurrence of disengagement between the main context of the novel. Victor Frankenstein’s character had changed immensely in the year 1831. From his carefree character in 1831, Victor has become more naive and relies on faith and God to help him succeed with this experiment. Mary Shelley’s altered edition of her novel was a more concise work than her previous

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