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The movie Memento is a psychological thriller directed by Christopher Nolan. It was nominated an Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay and Best Editing starring Guy Pearce and Carrie-Anne Moss (Stroeter). It’s about a man, Leonard, searching for his wife's murderer having a short-term memory loss. The movie’s quality was made through the specific camera angles and editing. Camerawork was done in a low angle, a camera place below the subject, pointing up (Lewis,88) and a high angle, a camera above the subject, angled downward. The low angle can confer authority, royalty, even divinity (Lewis,88). At the beginning, the camera shoots back to the close ups of the blood, bullet, glasses and head which is in reverse(Stroeter). The camera also shoots, when he woke up in his hotel room to his tattoos and the camera zooms in back to Leonard reading them to the audience. The movie had ambience and diegetic music during the black and white scenes, which …show more content…

after that you get used to it. The place of the editing is relatively slow until it is reversed to the action point which is also reversed (Stroeter). For example, at the beginning of the movie we see the reverse of the killing scene when Leonard shot Teddy. The lighting was creating a flattering, often amnesia look, because the movie is based on losing short term memory. The film alternating between black and white and color sequences which made the lightning kind of bright. The movie had internal diegetic sound in it when a character’s thoughts and memories, heard but not spoken (Lewis,154). The dialogue wasn’t heavy even though it had curse words in it. For example, at the beginning when he wakes up in he’s hotel room, the narrator which is Leonard is talking, but you don’t see him speaking it out to the

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