Melissa Morales

701 Words2 Pages

SETTING Most of the story takes place in the prison where Shay Bourne states while waiting for his death. Other minor parts are in such places as a church, Ian Fletcher’s home, Maggie’s and her Parents home, a hospital and June’s home. PLOT The story starts out with June talking about her husband’s death in a car accident where she meets Kurt Nealon, a man she later marries. She gets pregnant waiting for her second child, Claire Elizabeth’s little sister. Elizabeth and Kurt are later killed by the suspected murderer called Shay Bourne who was working at their house as a carpenter. Michael Wright is the final juror who agrees to put Shay on the death penalty. He becomes a priest 10 years later after the trial. He is shays personal priest to help him reach salvation which to Shay is giving his heart to Claire who has a terminal disease. Throughout the whole book Shay fights to be able to give her his heart. Her mom first denies it, later she accepts it out of grief when she went to a meeting with shay and asked him why he had killer her. He answers “she was better off dead,” this makes her infuriated and she storms off. When Claire finds out who the heart is going to be from she denies it but later on she accepts her although she tells her mom that she is going to hate her for the rest of her life for making her accept the heart, which is music to June’s ears. Maggie is Shays lawyer, she looks for a way that allows Shay to give his heart to Claire not possible if he is killed with a lethal injection so later it’s decided that he is going to be hung. All throughout the book he is seen as Jesus or even god to some. Many miracles happen thought to be because of him, like wine coming out of the faucets and sinks, a bird and a man com... ... middle of paper ... ... “the Death Row Messiah.” THEME “Change of Heart”- to me this is the central theme, not only literary but also as a sort of message. Shay gives his heart to Claire to amend for Elizabeth’s death and to reach salvation that for him can only be reached that way. Michael searches for his identity and his views on religion, people, life etc…June a person filled with anger and grief is later reunited with her daughter, and she gets a second chance. Maggie with all of her insecurities becomes sort of famous, finds love, and starts a new relationship with her mother. All these people had a change occur around them. “A Change of Heart” PERSONAL RELEVANCE I loved this book, its different religious views and different perspectives, the little love story and the search for oneself. It was a book that I couldn’t let go of. A book that can make you cry and is very emotional.

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