Medical Tourism In Canada Essay

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Should Medical Tourism Be Allowed in Canada?
Marion Zych, director of communications for the Registered Nurses Association of Ontario (RNAO), released the press statement titled “Nurses launch freedom of information request to get to the bottom of medical tourism” (September 30, 2014), which claims the Ontario government is responsible for the “attack on Medicare” from hospitals allowing medical tourism (see Appendix A). Zych supports her claim by informing readers that the government is aware hospitals are currently allowing foreign patients to buy non-emergent healthcare services, allowing hospitals to gain profit, and directing resources away from the public who need them. The author’s purpose is to inform Canadians of the formal …show more content…

Surgical procedure wait times in Canada are so long that Canadians are now resorting to travelling to India to receive hip replacements and cardiac surgeries (Eggerston, 2006) Historically wait times have burdened the healthcare system however, they are 95% longer now than in 1993 across Canada (Barua & Esmail, 2013). Ontario is adding to wait times by adding non-residents unjustly and making taxpayers wait or leave the country. has provided 2500 Canadians information pertaining to medical services abroad (Eggerston, 2006). The RNAO has also requested information from the provincial government asking for data regarding medical tourism in Ontario (CBC News, 2014). It is of great relevance that nurses are aware of this information so they are able to support the RNAO and their statements fighting this injustice to Canadians. A compromise in medical tourism could be reached if individuals are limited to cancelation opeings that can not be filled by residents, and they pay for the cost to supply extra nursing staff to adequately staff the extra patient

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