Media's Negative Influence On Body Image

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In today’s society, young women are constantly reminded of what the standard definition of beauty is and what your body should look like in order to be considered beautiful. For instance, flipping through a beauty magazine or watching a music video and you’ll note that all most of the females all have a small structure. This message can have a negative impact on one’s self esteem. Media outlets give off the impression that having the “ideal” body is the key to having the perfect life, perfect marriage, success, and overall happiness. For instance, many weight loss infomercials emphasize that losing weight and becoming skinny will improve all those aspects in life. These messages have the potential for adolescents to develop an eating disorder in order to achieve things that we all desire. Although that message may be unintentional, the rapid growth of media allows adolescents to have access to both negative and positive messages that can influence body image.
In this assignment, a Victoria Secret under garments ad will demonstrate the negative influences it has on body image and the music video for Meghan Trainor’s song “All About That Bass” will demonstrate the positive influences on body image. To begin, Victoria Secret is a well known company that are known for the luxury lingerie, as well as the models that sell them. Majority of Victoria Secret models have one discrete look, which is slim and tall. To broadcast one …show more content…

This is shown in video for “All About That Bass” by Meghan Trainer, who is considered to be a full figured woman. The video is filled with women of all sizes embracing their bodies and curves. The lyrics are also filled with positive messages such as,
“I see the magazine workin' that

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