Media Violence Negatively Affects Society

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MURDER, SEX, DRUGS, and VIOLENCE are all across screens and in music today. It has made quite an impact on society. When watching a violent video or movie or even playing a violent video game, people tend to get hooked right into it. Their mind set is completely set on violence. The main focus in society is to get people anxious and ready for the “next big thing”. Studies show that most Americans favor violent and destructive movies, rather than Romanic comedy. When the average person sees a violent movie or video, most of the time the clip does not show the consequence. So when they see the person or character performing violent and physical acts they believe it is perfectly normal. Media violence negatively affects society because it influences the imitation of aggressive behavior.

Studies have shown that playing a large amount of violent video games, movies, and listening to violent aggressive music may come off as a non-threatening form of entertainment but it can be very damaging and harmful to a person’s health. Violent thoughts grip the mind of even the most intelligent person, with that people fall victim to violent activity.

“ For at least two decades experts have warned that television, movies, and other entertainment media are desensitizing young people to violence and death.”(Reisman). Reisman is stating that younger adolescents are more influenced to perform violent activity after playing a violent video game than a mature adult. Media Violence can be defined in one or two ways, either its good for society or bad. Choosing violent material as a daily form of entertainment can lead to addiction, which can cause a person to alienate themselves, loss of occupation, fail out of school, or even commit


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...l or aggressive. Then again some people can sit and watch it and become very violent and abusive. There are some pros and cons to violence in the media and whether it affects the person or not something has to be done. There’s no telling how gruesome and aggressive the media is going to get in the future, but researchers can predict how horrible society will get soon as this happen. Today about 90 percent of violence comes from movies, 68 percent video games, 60 percent T.V shows, and about 15 percent from music. Those numbers prove that the government is actually increasing the amount of violence on television and not caring about the consequence and harm it can actually cause. Even though media violence is the most popular form of entertainment people should not consume large amounts of it because it can really damage or cause some type of damage in the end.

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