Media Violence

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Media Violence

Within the last few years, media violence is rapidly becoming a “hot” topic among many researchers and parents. The recent upsurge of violence and shootings in our schools causes us to ask the question, “ Who should we blame for the hostility of our youth?” There are obviously no easy answers to this question, fingers may point to many different reasons. With the many different perspectives in this issue, I will discuss the three most important, blaming the entertainment business, blaming the parents, and within the children themselves.

Many can debate that children are definitely affected by the movies, television shows, book and video games that the entertainment business throws at them. For too many people, violence is an ordinary way to be entertained. One can argue that, exposing children to violence can make them less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others, more fearful of them world around them, and more willing to act aggressively. The issue proposed, states that once a child is exposed to such things as the video game- “Doom”, violent books, hostile movies such as “Die Hard”, and hateful lyrics of Eminem, he or she seems to know nothing but violence itself. Even with the new laws about new rating systems, young children are still being sold such books, movies, and music. These laws are simply not strong enough. Many people believe that the entertainment industry should take responsibility, and to start censorships of things tha...

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