Media Coverage Of Women's Sports

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When it comes to women's sports and popularity in the 21 century it has been little progress made toward gender equality for woman sports, now in the 21 century more kids and adults know who some of these females athletes are but as far as media coverage goes for female athlete are in the shadows of the male athletes dominance and the tradition that males developed in sport due to what gender establish athletics first, because women sports were brought up years after men athletics had been established.
Even though progress was made in the appreciation of women’s sport and the crowds women’s sports brought In which mean a rise in ticket sells for women’s sport, but the media coverage is still treating women sports as if we were still in the …show more content…

female athlete was still considered to be passive and weak, some would say women’s sports is a waste of time because women aren’t supposed to be playing sports because of the original stereotypes that woman are too feminine and too easy going to actually be a dominate figure in their sport.
Some people may blame the lack of coverage of women's sport is because not enough people like the game to push to get more broadcast games. While reading an article written by Nathan Keil, he raised a point I found very interesting as to what will help lead to women’s sport earning television rights, starts with money. According to the article, Nathan Keil said; “Money will go to women’s sports as soon as an audience wants to watch women, so the best way to support these women athletes is by attending women’s …show more content…

All sports can be broadcasted continuously like men sports because typically sports news television so for women sports to get more media coverage they would have to take time away from the major 3 sports Baseball, Basketball, Football when combined the revenue of those three sports is somewhere around nine-hundred-and- three million dollars in revenue. Those kinds of numbers come from entertainment comparing women's to men the games aren’t as exciting to watch instead of looking at women's sports the same reason people watch men sports to see competition and

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