Media Bias

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Information is supposed to be fair, but in today's world you can’t trust anything you hear about. There are false facts on major topics, and they tell you what you want to hear often leaving out information that may change people's view. They change people by making them watch certain news reports. If you notice, in recent years a majority of the news report have been about violence such as, shootings or terrorist, but why does the media focus on it? Another thing that happens quite often in the media is subliminal messaging, which is subtle details in the content that reference to something bigger, most commonly it is perversion or possibly something bigger. The media’s jobs is to provide important and true information. In today's society the media is so controlled and provides so much biased information. …show more content…

Infact, if you do some research you’ll find the shocking truth. In America over ninety percent of all the media watch is produced and owned by only six corporations, which are: General Electric, News Corp., Disney, Viacom, Time Warner and CBS. As compared to the year 1983, when ninety percent was owned by 50 companies. These six companies are responsible for most of the media that today’s youth is constantly watching and they are not being responsible “These are the companies that glorify consumption, obedience, ignorance, the hyper-sexualization of youth, the glorification of war and government surveillance, and so on. The advertisers that support these media companies have tremendous sway over what makes it on the airwaves. They help to control public perception.”( These companies are basically the media. They care nothing but to make money because in the end money equals power. Power they use to control the

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