Measurable Postecondary Goal Essay

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Measurable Postsecondary Goals
A measurable postsecondary goal is an outcome that occurs after the person has left high school. When writing post-secondary goals in the IEP, it is similar to the process of writing annual IEP goals. Language should indicate the outcome, when it occur and how it is measured. It is measurable if it is stated in a manner that can be counted as occurring or not occurring. Statements that indicate what a student “will” do indicate measurable postsecondary goals. Statements that indicate that a student “plans to” or “hopes to” or “will investigate” do not indicate measurable postsecondary goals. The differences between annual goals and post-secondary goals is that post-secondary goals are written for what will occur after …show more content…

The employment goal must relate to the students interests, course of study, and transition assessments.
• “After completing college, (Student) will be employed in (in field of interest or as specific job title).”
• “After completing a post-secondary training program, (Student) will be employed (in field of interest or as specific job title).”
• “After completing a military training program, (Student) will be employed (in field of interest or as specific job title).”
• “Upon graduation from high school, (Student) will be employed (in field of interest or as specific job title).”
• “Upon graduating from high school, (Student) will be employed (in field of interest or as specific job title) with supports from a DDA funded adult service agency.”

Education Goals:
Education Goals indicate any further education the student will complete to achieve the employment goal. This includes colleges, universities, non-credit college classes, and certification programs. All students must have education goal that aligns with their employment goal.

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