Meaningful Deception In Cat's Cradle

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Meaningful Deception
Both religion and science are means to the same end however, religion gives someone the opportunity to change their reality. Their beliefs can become their reality, even if they are based on false information. In Cat’s Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut, religion is more powerful than science because it allows the people of San Lorenzo to survive oppression through Bokononism. While religion may just be made up lies, it is more beneficial than science, which fails to assist the majority of mankind.
Religion tries to give purpose to people’s lives and unveil some truth about the world in which people actually live. Bokonon tells the people to “Live by the foma that makes you brave and kind and healthy and happy” (vii). His lies …show more content…

Science primarily focuses on discovering more and more. In a discussion between the main character, John, and a woman named Sandra, John asks, “What is the secret of life”, having heard about a recent discovery. The bartender responds with, “Protein” (25). Science provides the logical answer that does not help anyone. It does not give people hope, it can only give facts which are not always the answer. While discussing Dr. Hoenikker’s opinion on truth, Dr. Breed tells John that, “The more truth we have to work with, the richer we become”, in which John responds with, “Had I been a Bokononist then, that statement would have made me howl” (41). Science believes that the more information that people have, the better society will be. Religion in contrast, sees the truth as painful and tries to stay away from what causes suffering. The more knowledge people have, the more suffering will occur and the weaker society will become. Science disregards emotions and does not relate to people who are in anguish. In a conversation with Miss Faust, Dr. Hoenikker asks, “What is love” (55). Love is the most basic of human emotions. Science as a whole cannot understand or relate to human relationships. They are isolated from others, making it hard for others to understand science. Julian Castle's view of science portrays some truth about how the people feel when he says, “man is vile, and man makes nothing worth making, knows nothing worth knowing” (169). Science does not give valuable information for daily life to the common man. It only gives facts that do not help in any way. Science can only provide the population with generic truths and cannot relate

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