Mcgurk Effect Essay

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In the present study, the behavioral and cortical properties of the McGurk effect and its sensitivity to different SOAs were investigated. A strong McGurk effect was found on behavioral data. The McGurk effect in our research sample was skewed to the right visual lead, auditory lag side in both he ID- and SJ-task. This is in line with the typical visual lead McGurk bias which was found by Wassenhove et al. (2007) and Munhall et al. (1996). It suggests that our brains are used to reduce differences in time onset between auditory and visual stimuli. As mentioned before, light travels faster than sound, but both arise mainly from the same source as the auditory stimulus. Our brains adapt to this and form a perception which unites these stimuli. (Fuijisaki, Shimojo, Kashino & Nishida, 2004).
However, a certain degree of flexibility in multisensory processing was found by Powers, Hillock and Wallace (2009). They stated that psychopathology is sometimes accompanied by this altered multisensory processing. We found an increased auditory lead bias among participants scoring higher on autistic characteristics. Skewing to the left side of the curve for the ID-task was found, indicating an altered McGurk perception within this population. A similar result of this auditory lead bias was found by Donohue, Darling and Mitroff (2012) on a simultaneous judgment task. It was stated that a greater sensitivity for auditory stimuli would lead to a higher priority and more processing time, resulting in a simultaneous percept when an auditory stimulus is leading the visual stimulus. The sensitivity for auditory stimuli is illustrated by Greenspan and Weider (1997), who found that their entire sample consisting of autistic participants repor...

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...e dominant than the effect of audiovisual (i.e. phonetic) change. This could be justified by the results revealing mainly an visual MMN result on audiovisual data. Furthermore, in addition to the preceding statement, only the SOAs in which the visual stimulus preceded the auditory stimulus were tested in the EEG-experiment. This visual change effect could have overruled the lagging audiovisual effect. In prior research, neither a visual MMN nor an auditory MMN was elicited when the audiovisual MMN was found (Colin, Radeau, & Deltenre, 2001; Colin et al., 2002; Saint-amour et al., 2007).
To conclude, it remains important to do further research in this area in order to get a better understanding of the phonetic pathway and audiovisual processing. Further research in the behavioural and cortical McGurk mechanisms in the healthy- and clinical population is necessary.

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