Maze Runner Archetypes

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My heart is pounding. My lungs are aching as I sprint. There’s cuts on my arms and face, as the branches smack me. Moving them out of the way I look back if it’s there. That’s how dystopian stories start out, I’ve decided to research the dystopian archetype, because as I grew up and read many books, the dystopian archetype interested me and I read dystopian books from there on. That's why I am writing about this. In the dystopian archetype it shows us that we as humans believe that we will do anything to be alive. This is true because in dystopian archetypes the characters and plot line all lead to surviving whatever the problem is.

Dystopia is one of the more confusing archetypes. Dystopia is a fictional future that is in bad conditions (Wills, …show more content…

Some of the movies are, “Divergent” and “The Hunger Games”. The movie we will be going with is “The Maze Runner”. In the “Maze Runner” the main character / hero is thomas. During the movie the hero is put into a giant maze. In the maze thomas meets the faithful friend. In the maze runner they have to find a way out of the maze. In the maze there is one place that there might be an exit, it is a tunnel that the grievers come in and out of. After a while they start to go back to the giant tunnel and look around. Further more into the movie, one day, the walls do not close. This is terrible because the giant grievers can come in and attack them. From this the gladers (the people in the maze) have only one choice, they either all die or go through the tunnel and maybe have a chance at surviving, many people died as they ran for their lives and they fought over each other to survive. Finally they all take a run for it, they all run and go through the tunnel. From this you can see that this is a dystopian film. The movie is a fictional future in were they are seperated from everybody and in terror. Now that we know this is a dystopian archetype we can move on. Finally from the movie you can see that people believe that they will do anything to …show more content…

The last evidence will be the in-class source. There are many sources like, “Mice of Men” and “Odysseus”, but the one we will use is “The Lottery”. The lottery is about a village that has a controlled population, in the village every year they have something called the lottery. In the lottery they have something called a black box and in the box they have all the peoples family’s and names. Eventually when the time comes, it is the lottery again. All the people of the village go to the village square and start the picking. First the box is filled with every family’s last name. They do the picking and then a family is picked, next they do a name pick from the people in the family, then a name is picked. Now you probably think that is good, but remember what I said in the beginning about population control. Yep, you guessed it, the lottery is bad. Who ever is picked in the lottery is stoned to death. When the name is picked, everybody except the person who was picked is relieved and they all pick up a stone, and stone the person. We can see this is a dystopian story, because this is fictional future, in the village the people are in terror as families and names are picked. But, this relates to what humans believe, we as humans believe that we will do anything to stay alive. In the lottery everybody is relieved and then stones the person to death like nothing ever happens. This shows that they don’t care, as long as they are

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