Matrix Of Domination

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The Matrix of Domination and Identity Politics
The term Matrix of Domination is a sociological theory that was introduced by Patricia Hill Collins. She introduced the theory during the academic movement that arose from women's activism in the 1960’s and 1970’s. (Devault, n.d.). She thoroughly explains the multiple levels of oppression and connects issues of race, gender and class and differentiates how each is linked to a system of privilege or domination. Other forms of classification applied to the matrix of domination include, age, religion and sexual orientation. (Varghese, 2013). As stated by Devault (n.d.),“Her project locates lived experiences of oppression within the social contexts that produce the experiences”.
Domination can be experienced many ways and various challenges can be presented. As mentioned by Varghese (2013), challenges differ in which one obstacle, such as race, may overlap with other sociological features. Socioeconomic status, varying geography and simply, era, can contribute to the multitude of effects on individual experiences with things such as sex, age and race. As Patricia Hill Collins stated in her theory, based on one’s social location, a person can be oppressed in some ways and privileged in others, and for every act of oppression there is an interconnected act of domination. (Varghese, 2013). Ultimately …show more content…

Therefore, a diversity of lived experience of oppression can be represented and shared to form a coalition with members of the majority. This level of individual consciousness can be considered a response to domination and is a fundamental area where knowledge can influence interests and perspectives of social groups with which people identify and ultimately generate change. ('Identity Politics' Address Real Problems of Discrimination. (2016). As Smith (2017)

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