Maternal Serum Marker Test Paper

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Maternal Serum Marker Test
Maternal serum markers tests determine the presence of pregnancy as well as the age of the fetus. The test allows the patient to be screened for the presence of fetal risk as determined by levels of alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), estriol, and human chorionic gonadotropin (Hcg) (Genetic Alliance, 2010). Maternal serum screening test is a blood test which is offered during pregnancy to determine the risks of neural tube defects, Down syndrome (trisomy 21) and Edward syndrome (trisomy 18) to the fetus. ("Pregnancy tests," 2014). During the first trimester maternal serum testing is used in combination with ultrasound to determine the risks. The test involves blood screening between 9 and 13 weeks gestations and an ultrasound

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