Understanding Mate Ejection: Causes and Repercussions

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The article, When Love Dies: Further elucidating the existence of a mate ejection model, by Brian B. Boutwell, J.C. Barnes, and Kevin M. Beaver gives insight on how people decide to eject relationships and why. Many factors like cognitive, evolutionary, and neurobiological have been tested to help explain why people act the way they do. According to the article, there are two different types of mate ejection, primary and secondary. “Primary mate ejection is when one partner decides to eject their mate. Secondary mate ejection is based on a cognitive experience where the person who was ejected decides to give devotion to a new mate”, (Boutwell, Barnes, Beaver). Researchers did studies to explain why breakups are so heart breaking and why one …show more content…

As humans we always think about relationships and where we want them to go. People think about what is best for themselves and for their family. In the article, study was conducted where men and women were given scenarios and had to decide which one was more disturbing. The results were males thought it was more disturbing when their spouse has an affaire and for women it was when their spouse was emotionally involved with another woman, (Boutwell, Barnes, Beaver). Inserted of letting the marital problems get that bad, they should talk about their problems and possibly go to couples therapy. If all else fails, they shouldn't put each other through the pain of infidelity, but get a divorce before the relationship gets messy. When it comes to relationships and ejection, cognitive thinking can be influenced by …show more content…

Different neurotransmitter levels in the brain cause the human body to be affected in certain ways. According to the article, a test was conducted on seventeen people who are in love by using a fMRI to view the neural processes. The fMRI showed an increase in neural pathways that are related to experiences of being in love and having a drug addiction. It also revealed, getting over a relationship is like trying to come clean from drugs. Knowing this helps explain why people do crazy and unexplainable things when they are heart broken. To get help and support after a breakup turn to friends and family. The levels of neurotransmitters like norepinephrine and dopamine can cause obsessive actions towards ones partner. On the other hand, when a female decides to stop having sex with her husband, his serotonin levels increase which in turn decreases his testosterone causing infidelity, (Boutwell, Barnes,

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