Test (MAST) measures are screening and diagnostic measure which separates the two group’s alcohol and drug use assessment measures. Which may or may not pertain to one’s lifetime experiences sometimes relevant to being diagnosed or receiving treatment. Mast a broad assessment tool for alcohol abuse is a questionnaire designed to provide a rapid and effective screening for lifetime alcohol related problem and alcoholism for various population. Seller, M.L. (1971) mast must be parsed with other instruments such as DAST that also scene for drug disorders. The MAST is simple to administer; clients are instructed to answer all questions either yes or no. After clients complete the test, the points assigned to each question are totaled. The MAST
The main protagonist for this story is Mr. Waythorn, he is the third and current husband of Alice Waythorn and the story is mostly told from his perspective. He is the main character of the story and works with Alice's second husband, Gus Varick. He is also the stepfather of Lily who is the daughter of the first husband of Alice; Mr. Haskett. He looks beyond the social stigma of marrying a woman who has been twice divorced. We see throughout the story Mr. Waythorn’s character undergoes some changes in the way he views his wife and her past relationships thereby making him a round character. Mrs. Waythorn is the antagonist of this story, it is obvious that the she has used all her marriages to advance her social standing, she redefines herself based on the level she attains, thereby refining who she is to those around her. We see all this from the perspective of her husband. After the glow of the honeymoon has died down Mr. Waythorn begins to realize that his perception of who Alice was before they got married was probably wrong. Alice is revealed to be more complicated as a character than we are initially presented with based on the perception of her current husband, so for this reason she is a round character.
A problematic pattern of alcohol use leading to clinically significant impairment or distress, as manifested by at least two of the following, occurring within a 12-month period:
Most alcoholics proceed to a stage where their brains or their bodies have been so harmed by alcohol that the effects persist even when they are not drinking. This stage may be reached...
A psychological assessment is defined as “the gathering and integration of psychology-related data for the purpose of making a psychological evaluation that is accomplished through the use of tools such as tests, interviews, case studies, behavioral observation, and specially designed apparatuses and measurement procedures” (Cohen, Swerdlik, &Sturman, 2013). Although examiners strive toward the assessment being good enough to be useful, they sometimes have to make decisions about what type of error is acceptable. There are many psychological assessments that have been used in the study of addictions, but we will take a look at the Addiction Severity Index.
“Ultimately, diagnosis of a substance use disorder or PTSD relies on clinical assessment using DSM criteria. Screening instruments exist that can help uncover or point the way toward a potential diagnosis. For alcohol use disorders, the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT) and the AUDIT-Consumption (AUDIT-C) have been widely validated as self-report screening measures. A single-item screening measure was recently validated for drug use disorders consisting of the single question, “How many times in the past year have you used an illegal drug or used a prescription medication for nonmedical reasons?” A response of 1 time or more yields a positive screen.” -Returning Veterans With Addictions. (2011, July 11). Psychiatric Times. Retrieved Februa...
“To conquer frustration, one must remain intensely focused on the outcome, not the obstacles.” I still remember this quote from Within I Rise by T.F. Hodge because this specific quote has helped me through my long and winding journey toward the black-belt. It started with my friend in fifth grade showing me what he learned in karate class the day before, and me asking my mother if I could join. My brother and I went to our first class and I instantly fell in love with the sparring, grappling, fighting combinations, self-defense, and of course, learning to use nunchucks. It was not long before I had my eye on the black-belt, but there were many obstacles ahead. Less than one percent of all students at my karate school end up getting to
In the disease of alcoholism, there are many psychological effects on the person. It can cause depression, anxi...
As illustrated the model of drug abuse and the theories behind addiction are varied. There is no concrete reason for one person who drinks to become alcohol dependent versus the person who does not. Several factors contribute to why a person begins drinking and why they continue to do so despite reasons to stop. The case history exhibits a client with many risk factors associated with alcohol use and dependence.
The test taking lessons have helped me learn more about having good strategies for a test. I feel that with these lessons learned I can have more confidence to take a test and pass it. In this report I want to show why test taking is an important skill to learn. I also wanted to describe how I have prepared for test in the past. I also wanted to discuss three strategies I have learned from the computer tutorial in class and how I have changed my study habits so I can do better on test.
The ingestion of alcoholic beverages for their enjoyable effects is a custom which has been around for thousands of years, and alcohol continues to be a popular drug because of its short-term effects (Coleman, Butcher & Carson, 1984). An enormous amount of damage can be attributed directly to alcohol abuse as a result of lost jobs, accidents caused by drunk drivers, and so forth (Maltzman, 2000). Alcohol also compounds other problems--an estimated 25% to 40% of hospital patients have problems caused by, or recovery delayed by alcohol abuse (Maltzman, 2000). Clinical psychologists spend about one-fourth of their time dealing with people who are suffering in part from alcohol or other substance problems (Vaillant, 1995). Although alcohol problems have been around for so long, it is only recently that these problems have begun to be associated with medical or psychological difficulties.
According to the website, I have an IQ of 113. I feel as though a site like www.iqtest.com could produce a “g” score because they make you pay too see an analysis of your results, which indicates to me that they put some effort into producing fairly accurate scores. General intelligence, also known as “g”, describes an individual’s specific mental ability, which is measured by tasks on an IQ test (Myers p. 405). The site breaks down your overall IQ results into different categories of intelligence and gives you an IQ score for how well you tested in a given area. For example, there is a category for “spatial intelligence” which is ones ability to predict what actions will happen based on varied conditions (Website). By looking at the broken down results you can compare areas you have strengths in, versus the areas you might struggle in. This is in accordance to what Charles Sherman found when he discovered that people who score high in one area tend to score high in similar categories (Myers p. 405). For a person to see what their “g” score would be they would simply have to look at which category they scored highest in and from that they would see in which area they have the highest intelligence in.
A polygraph test can record a person's breathing rate, pulse, blood pressure, perspiration and other significant physiological changes that suggest a person is lying, but it should not be used as evidence in a court of law because it does not provide reliable proof of a person's physical reaction to the stress of lying.
Another study was done on ten primary care looking at the sensitivity and specificity of the CAGE questionnaire in regards to alcohol abuse and dependence. The results yield a sensitivity of 0.87 in inpatients and in primary care patients a 0.71 sensitivity (Pilowsky & Wu,
Research shows that 17.6 million people are suffering from alcohol abuse. According to the article “Facts about Alcohol”, it states that 88,000 people has died from excessive alcohol use and that alcoholism is the 3rd leading lifestyle related cause of death in the nation. Many people can debate on what excessive drinking truly is. Some may say having two to three drinks on a daily bases is excessive and then you have people that argue and say having a drink every day is excessive. Doctors and phycologist often say that excessive drinking goes to the purpose of why the person is drinking and often ask is the drink a want or a need. If the person answers as if they need the drink or drinks then they would classify those individual’s as excessive drinkers and that they are experiencing substance
Overcoming addiction is a journey that can last a lifetime, but people succeed if they have the right tools, mindset, motivation, and ability. Alcoholism is a disease in which the consumer has the inability to manage drinking habits. In moderation, alcohol is used by some to relax and considered safe. However, misusing alcohol can cause harm not only to the drinker, but to anyone close to that person, and society in general. Sometimes the warning signs of early alcohol abuse are noticeable. Other times, symptoms can be harder to notice, but when alcohol addiction is found in its early stages, the chances for a successful recovery increase significantly. Some of the most common signs of early alcohol abuse could be, being unable to control consumption